Capillary reduced ops tickets by 95%

“Our releases are fast. And with less developer time needed our teams can focus on building exciting features. We’ve saved countless hours and costs.”

Piyush K,
Chief Architect, Capillary Technologies,

Treebo reduced production issues by 70%

"With Facets, our staging environments look identical to production environments. So in case of production issues, we can be sure there are no infra drifts."

Kadam Jeet Jain,
Co-Founder & CTO, Treebo Hotels and Hotel Superhero.

GGX switched from AWS to GCP in 2 weeks

"Facets has radically changed our DevOps for the better. They did all the heavy lifting and saved us precious time and resources in our when we switched from AWS to GCP."

Kaustubh Bhoyar,
Head of engineering, GGX

Trusted by companies to run production at scale

Capillary | FacetsMPL | FacetsTreebo | FacetsPurplle | Facets

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Application Orchestration


An open-source platform for building, deploying, and managing serverless applications on Kubernetes



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A Kubernetes-based platform that enables developers to build, deploy, and manage serverless applications effortlessly. It abstracts away the complexities of infrastructure management, allowing developers to focus solely on writing and deploying code. With features like auto-scaling, traffic splitting, and built-in observability, Knative Serving empowers teams to deliver scalable and resilient serverless applications with ease.

Key Features

  • Knative Serving facilitates deploying serverless applications without worrying about underlying infrastructure management.
  • It automatically scales applications based on demand, ensuring optimal resource utilization and cost-efficiency.
  • Knative allows for gradual traffic shifts between different versions of the same service, enabling seamless updates and rollbacks.
  • Knative Serving offers built-in monitoring and observability features, allowing developers to gain insights into application performance and health.

How does it work?

Real world example


  • Knative Serving simplifies the deployment of serverless applications by abstracting away infrastructure management complexities.
  • Knative enables developers to focus on writing code rather than managing infrastructure, leading to increased productivity.
  • Knative supports event-driven architecture, enabling the development of reactive and scalable applications.
  • By automatically scaling resources based on demand, Knative helps optimize cloud costs.


  • Managing Knative-based deployments can be complex, especially for organizations without extensive Kubernetes expertise.
  • Depending heavily on Knative for serverless deployments may result in vendor lock-in with Kubernetes-specific APIs and configurations.
  • While Knative is rapidly evolving, it may lack some features or stability compared to more mature serverless platforms.

Deployment Activity

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Capillary reduced ops tickets by 95%

“Our releases are fast. And with less developer time needed our teams can focus on building exciting features. We’ve saved countless hours and costs.”

Piyush K,
Chief Architect, Capillary Technologies,

Treebo reduced production issues by 70%

"With Facets, our staging environments look identical to production environments. So in case of production issues, we can be sure there are no infra drifts."

Kadam Jeet Jain,
Co-Founder & CTO, Treebo Hotels and Hotel Superhero.

GGX switched from AWS to GCP in 2 weeks

"Facets has radically changed our DevOps for the better. They did all the heavy lifting and saved us precious time and resources in our when we switched from AWS to GCP."

Kaustubh Bhoyar,
Head of engineering, GGX

Trusted by companies to run production at scale

Capillary | FacetsMPL | FacetsTreebo | FacetsPurplle | Facets

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