Capillary reduced ops tickets by 95%

“Our releases are fast. And with less developer time needed our teams can focus on building exciting features. We’ve saved countless hours and costs.”

Piyush K,
Chief Architect, Capillary Technologies,

Treebo reduced production issues by 70%

"With Facets, our staging environments look identical to production environments. So in case of production issues, we can be sure there are no infra drifts."

Kadam Jeet Jain,
Co-Founder & CTO, Treebo Hotels and Hotel Superhero.

GGX switched from AWS to GCP in 2 weeks

"Facets has radically changed our DevOps for the better. They did all the heavy lifting and saved us precious time and resources in our when we switched from AWS to GCP."

Kaustubh Bhoyar,
Head of engineering, GGX

Trusted by companies to run production at scale

Capillary | FacetsMPL | FacetsTreebo | FacetsPurplle | Facets

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Capillary reduced ops tickets by 95%

“Our releases are fast. And with less developer time needed our teams can focus on building exciting features. We’ve saved countless hours and costs.”

Piyush K,
Chief Architect, Capillary Technologies,

Treebo reduced production issues by 70%

"With Facets, our staging environments look identical to production environments. So in case of production issues, we can be sure there are no infra drifts."

Kadam Jeet Jain,
Co-Founder & CTO, Treebo Hotels and Hotel Superhero.

GGX switched from AWS to GCP in 2 weeks

"Facets has radically changed our DevOps for the better. They did all the heavy lifting and saved us precious time and resources in our when we switched from AWS to GCP."

Kaustubh Bhoyar,
Head of engineering, GGX

Trusted by companies to run production at scale

Capillary | FacetsMPL | FacetsTreebo | FacetsPurplle | Facets

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customer story

MPL spinoff - GGX Transforms Cloud Migration and DevOps with Facets

Good Game Exchange achieves a 3X Ops efficiency gain and cuts down migration time to GCP.

The Facets Platform and their customer support has radically changed our DevOps for the better. Our cloud switch was smooth, saving us precious time and resources. With Facets, we've been able to transform not just our operations, but also the way our developers work.

Kaustubh Bhoyar

Head of Engineering, GGX
Capillary Technologies

About GGX

GGX is a gaming platform that provides end-to-end infrastructural solutions for game developers to enable in-app digital asset trading mechanics in any game. With solutions like In-app marketplace, Global KYC & Payment rails, non-custodial wallets, and more, GGX works alongside game developers to build seamless user journeys and removes unnecessary blockchain complexities.

Backed by the founding team of MPL, GGX pioneers the convergence of gaming and blockchain technology. GGX powers Striker, a Fantasy-based sports card trading game that consistently ranks in the Top 10 games on Polygon.

Kaustubh Bhoyar, Head of Engineering at GGX, shares how Facets transformed their DevOps workflows and catalyzed cloud migration.

The Challenges

GGX wanted to reinvent its DevOps workflows around the following challenges:

  • Cloud Migration: GGX recognized the necessity to transition from AWS to GCP in order to tap into certain benefits. However, with restricted in-house proficiency in GCP, they anticipated an extensive turnaround time of approximately 2-3 months for the project.

  • Emphasizing Agility and Stability: GGX aimed for better agility without compromising on stability in their infrastructure, which is vital for a company in gaming space. They sought an approach that would free them from a weekly release setup and allow for innovation without draining internal resources.

  • Managing Multi-Environment Setups: GGX needed sandbox environments for third-party game developers, and new dev/test environments were crucial for feature overhauls and security scans. However, they faced significant challenges in managing drift and cost across these environments.

Facets: A Game-Changer in Cloud Migration and Ops efficiency

Migration to GCP: GGX leveraged the cloud agnostic concepts of the Facets Platform to create environments on GCP that were cloud optimized from Day 1.
As Kaustubh says “The platform took care of all the heavy lifting and it made us more comfortable to move to GCP. First, we moved to Facets and then figured out GCP. Saved us two to three months. With Facets, we were able to do it in two weeks.

Enhanced Automation and Ops Efficiency: They leveraged Facets to achieve 100% automation without writing those automations in-house. This allowed their ops team to meet application needs faster, rather than grappling with the complexities of cloud providers and automation processes.
"We factored 5 DevOps, but now we manage with 2 platform engineers. It’s of great value." says Kaustubh.

Streamlined Release Management: Facets helped transition GGX's release management from an infrequent, high-stress process to a more efficient one, with 5-6 releases rolled out on production daily. This was enabled by shifting the release responsibility to the QA team and ensuring the DevOps team's involvement was no longer required in releases.

Environment Management and Reduction of Drift: With Facets, GGX launch and manage on-demand environments that are entirely drift-free. The value of this feature was highlighted by Kaustubh, "Yes, we saw a major difference here. Launching a new environment has reduced from one week to one day."

Infra-level Stability: Thanks to Facets, GGX has had a nearly flawless run with virtually
zero infra-related outages. As Kaustubh notes, "We haven’t found any infra-related outages... since you guys added the Release Plan feature, we are able to mitigate release risks as well."

Key Improvements

  • Accelerated Cloud Migration: Facets expedited AWS to GCP migration timeframe from two to three months to just two weeks.

  • Optimized Workforce Efficiency: The streamlined operations offered by Facets allowed a lean team of two platform engineers to manage GGX's operations effectively, thus enabling  self-service for the Dev and QA teams.

  • Increased Release Frequency: Facets enabled GGX to enhance their release frequency from a weekly cycle to 5-6 releases on production daily.

  • New Environment Launch Efficiency: The time required to set up a new environment was significantly decreased from one week to one day.

Outstanding Support: The Facets Secret Sauce

GGX's positive experience with Facets was amplified by the exceptional support provided by the Facets team. Their partnership with Facets brought about transformative changes in their DevOps practices, release cycles, and developer experience. By embracing Facets platform, they achieved frequent releases, improved resource utilization, and empowered developers to take control of their releases.

The support from the Facets team is phenomenal, providing us the assurance we need for uninterrupted operation. It's this high-value support that stands out as a key reason for choosing Facets. We're truly impressed by the reliability and quality of your support.

Kaustubh Bhoyar

Head of Engineering, GGX
Key Results

2 weeks

for Cloud Migration


Ops Efficienty


Release Velocity